There are many types of vinyl siding that will last well over a decade before they need to be repainted, but eventually even the highest quality siding will need to be repainted or replaced. Until recently, paint wasn’t advanced enough to allow for painting vinyl siding. They are now able to make paint that will allow for house siding options other than replacement.

Painting Vinyl Siding

Vinyl Siding Colors

When you’re choosing your new vinyl siding colors, you will want to consider the following:

  • Your existing house color
  • Your surroundings
  • How long you will want these vinyl siding colors

Preparation for Painting Vinyl Siding

Before you can begin painting vinyl siding, you have to prepare it by doing the following:

  • Clean the surface
  • Make sure the surface is completely dry
  • Remove any dust that has settled

When cleaning the surface of your siding, you can use either a pressure washer or a regular garden hose, and a scrub brush & bucket of soap. If you choose to use a pressure washer, remember to point the washer on a downward angle, because otherwise, you will fill the weep holes with water. That takes a lot longer to dry, and you don’t run into that problem with the downward angle, because vinyl siding is made to allow run-off.

If you are using a hose and brush, hook up your hose to a hot water spigot. You can get vinyl siding cleaner that attaches to your hose, and then you spray it on with the hot water. Take out your scrub brush, and make sure you get it really clean. This will help your paint to adhere better to the vinyl siding.

Painting Vinyl Siding

When you are painting your siding, you will get the best results if you can find 3 or 4 warm dry days in the forecast, and paint when the temperature is between 40 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Exterior paints that are meant for painting vinyl siding generally need 2 warm dry days to dry completely.

Whether you are painting with a brush, roller, or paint sprayer, you have to remember that your siding is fully expanded at these temperatures. You will need to lift your siding at the seams, and paint at least one inch of the siding underneath. This is especially true, if you are changing your vinyl siding colors, because when the siding contracts in colder weather, it will show the difference where the seams overlapped.

House Siding Options in Fort Collins

If you are planning on replacing or painting vinyl siding, it’s usually best to consider all of your house siding options.  Hiring a professional painter will save you in the long run, because of their experience. For some of the best house siding options in northern Colorado, call us today. We serve Fort Collins, CO, Loveland, CO, Longmont, CO, Greeley, CO, and all of northern Colorado.


(Image and excerpt from “How to Paint Vinyl Siding”)